I have always loved and admired the work of this illustrator and have often found inspiration from him for many projects I have done both in school and now at university too. My two most favourite things are art and travelling and Fernando's work beautifully brings these two together in the '24 Hours in...' series. I particularly love the flat vector style that Fernando has and the colour scheme he selects to most effectively represent each city individually. The grid structure gives each illustration a sense of depth and character that flat colour would perhaps otherwise lack. A city like London is fast paced and constantly bustling with people and Volken Togni portrays this very cleverly in his selection of small illustrations that make up the whole outcome.

Here are three more of Fernando's illustrations in the '24 Hours in...' series, including Shanghai, New York and Paris. It is even more apparent how effective the grid system and colour schemes are that Volken Togni selects, as there is a fine line between creating work that clearly belongs together in a series but also represents its own city accordingly.