This powerful piece of design by the Host/Havas agency not only brings awareness to current ecological issues but puts policies in place to actually make a change. The Palau Pledge - setting a new and inspirational standard for immigration and ecological policies, winning the black pencil at the D&AD awards 2018. The black pencil is only awarded to design which effectively makes a change for good. This pledge is the first of its kind, written into Palau's immigration policies aiming to tackle the ecological damage caused by booming tourist numbers. Visitors to the Pacific island must have the environmental pledge stamped into their passports which they then sign in front of an immigration officer. The agreement - dedicated to Palau's children - is a formal promise to act in an environmentally responsibly way on the island and violators can be fined up to $1 million.

The logo, inspired by Palau's flag and the dotted line on which a signature would be placed is left empty, evoking the feeling of personal responsibility and the commitment associated with a signature. The policy and accompanying campaign consisted of the passport stamps in many languages along with an informative leaflet and compulsory in-flight video to bring awareness to those who are visiting the island.

Alongside the stamps made for the actual pledge, smaller educational icons were designed with the same style to keep continuity and build a brand for the campaign. These icons were used in the passport insert explaining the do's and don'ts to tourists who visit the island.

As part of the awareness campaign, posters have been created with emotive images of the children who live in Palau alongside quoted sections of the pledge. With the aim of the campaign trying to create a better future by being more ecologically responsible, the use of children to represent that future will pull on the heart strings of many. The paradise in which they are depicted shows the beauty that the pledge is aiming to protect and really who would want to destroy that?
